Top 5 Reasons to Fish

Ask this question to 100 fishermen and you will get 100 different responses, but I assure you these 5 reasons will resonate with each of the fishers.

1. Food on the Plate

There are not many answers better than the most basic one. Food. By engaging in a fishing excursion we are able to create a very special, and in today’s world, rare opportunity to take responsibility for the food we consume. Now yes, it is FAR easier to go to the grocery store to buy some frozen fish than it is to learn the rules, get your license, acquire the gear, learn to catch and cook the fish etc. etc. etc. But there is no sense accomplishment and pride in going to the store, nor is the industrial fish farm meat as nutritious and healthy as the natural alternative. Due to the natural and varied diet of wild fish, studies show that wild fish contains more vitamins and nutrients than industrial farmed fish. Also, in todays world it may be more prudent than ever to be able take care of yourself if the world decides to flip on its head. And this leads me to….

2. Self Reliance

God forbid it, but we are all thinking it, there may come a day when we need to go back to our roots to fend for ourselves and our loved ones. You and I know that the food that we find in the grocery store doesn’t just magically appear, however I would say the majority of people would be at a loss if the shelves were no longer stocked for them. By fishing we are building the skills to survive and to help those around us if our current systems fail us.

3. Conservation

Now this one might get you in trouble when you try to justify it to PETA, but hear me out. By purchasing your fishing license and paying your licensing fees we are contributing to the budget of the governments conservation efforts. These funds are used to help monitor and control the animal populations to stop invasive species from taking over, or overpopulation of one species knocking out another. There is a fine balance in all things, and fishermen are part of that balance. By controlling the population of select fish species we are ensuring continued harvest for future generations. When one has a successful and fishing excursion, the remains of the fish that are not used for consumption then go back to nature to feed the other animals and as ashes to ashes and dust to dust we return the animal to nature where it can fertilize the ecosystem.

4. Building a relationship with Nature

As a species we are becoming more and more out of touch with our primal instincts and our relationship with nature is suffering all the more because of it. We were made to interact outdoors, with the sun on our face and the wind in our hair, yet more and more we find ourselves sheltered indoors. We wake up in our house, hop in our car, drive to work, spend the day in the office, hop in our car, return home and repeat. By going on a fishing excursion we are able to humble ourselves back to our roots and immerse ourselves in all of the beauty that is offered only by nature. The chirping of the birds, the buzz of bees, the wind on the leaves, the smell of fresh air. It is invigorating and revitalizing. Being in nature is refreshing for our human bodies and spirit and is a vital part of being alive.

5. To reserve and pass on knowledge and skills and build relationships

By sharpening our skill and teaching others how to fish we are able to ensure that future generations can take care of themselves and their communities if push comes to shove. The more people who can provide for their communities when in need the better. I love taking my children with me fishing. The time we get to spend together away from screens and technology is priceless. Teaching them how to respect and harvest a fish and seeing them do so in kind creates a wonderful feeling of pride. Talking with my friends and family and showing eachother skills and techniques helps us to bond on a deeper level than if we just sat around looking at TikToks or watching Netflix videos

In Summary:

When asked “why do you fish?” I can simply say, “To refresh my soul”.

Like I said at the beginning, if you ask 100 fishermen why they fish you’ll get 100 different answers. So here I am asking, leave a comment below to let me know, “Why do you fish?”


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